The Inner Biochemist
The Simple Weight Loss Solution
The “Fat Burner / Slow Burner / Ketogenic” Inner Biochemistry imbalance type
I bet you didn’t know…
- both “Sugar Burner” and “Fat Burner” are Inner Biochemistry imbalances…
- slow burning “Fat Burner” Inner Biochemistry imbalances have a problem digesting carbohydrates on their own.
- “Fat Burners” need complex carbohydrates to provide quick burning fuel in order to speed up their oxidative rate. So complex carbohydrates speed up their metabolism!!!
- Extra protein for a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance will create a cortisone overload, which causes “STRESS”.
- If someone is Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalanced and tries to do the “normal body building diet” – they will feel extremely sluggish – and even depressed… not knowing what’s happening with them.
- more than 60% of all blood pressure problems are at least partially related to high insulin and poor glycemic control
- when balance is lost in the many internal hormone systems, and the patient begins to age prematurely.
- Since a Fat Burners blood is too alkaline (YES! TOO ALKALINE is ALWAYS POSSIBLE!) – wheat will help acidify them – restoring balance
- Fat Burners easily suffer from emotional and mental problems – anything from being easily angry, to schizophrenia, could be triggered simply by the FAT BURNER INNER BIOCHEMISTRY IMBALANCE!
- In uncontrolled Diabetes, where the person breaks down only fat and protein, the dissolved CO2 level gets so low, it affects circulating blood ketones, which may actually lower cerebral respiration to the point of coma. Once they reach that point, sugars are prescribed – which works only in a diabetic Fat burner Inner biochemistry imbalance, but as you will see in the forthcoming article on this topic, there are other kinds of diabetics too.
So what is this mysterious Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance?
Please print and study this article repeatedly – once it “clicks” the deeper understandings and “flat earth” to “whole earth” paradigm shifts behind this article will change your life - I hope you will gain a clear understanding (please print and reread this article as many times as you need…) because this has been a major stumbling block for many millions of people around the world when it comes to weight loss…
Now let’s talk about the Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance or slow burners I’m sure most of you will say “hey I want to be a fat burner”, but that’s not really good.
A Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalanced person is one who has an oxidative metabolic imbalance, meaning their metabolism is not functioning well.
They are called slow burners, they do burn fats, but only in the presence of sugar. Yes sugar. So this means that this person needs to definitely eat carbohydrates with a meal in order for his or her body to access fat. The sluggish metabolism of the slow burners is slowed down even more by too much protein and too much fat. They need complex carbohydrate to provide quick burning fuel in order to speed up their oxidative rate. So complex carbohydrates speed up their metabolism!!!
A slow burner/Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalanced person has a problem digesting carbohydrates on their own…
Here is a simple way to picture what is going on. If Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance means low energy production, what would you expect to find when you look for the normal end products of the energy production cycle? Decreased energy would mean decreased end products of energy. The major end product of energy metabolism is carbon dioxide (CO2).
…So both Sugar Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalanced and Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalanced patients, being low in energy production, tend to have low CO2 levels in their blood stream… So they burn fat, sugars and proteins…A more familiar analogy is the smoky slow burning of leaves, or grass, or wet wood. It makes the smoke (CO2) – but it’s not burning very well
…Just like the Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalances’ CO2 level demonstrate an inefficient “smoky burning” of fat, and carbohydrates. ie. They burn fat, but only in the presence of carbohydrates.
Now in these cases, since the level of dissolved CO2 carried in the blood is less than normal; meaning that it is “like a slow burning fire”; this equals an indication that this person may not be oxidizing fuel properly in their tissues – Particularly carbohydrates – and this is going to affect their nervous system. So a depressed activity rate is called Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance oxidation and this affects the nervous system. So you have to understand that in the burning of carbohydrates, you make CO2 as a final product together with energy and water.
People suffering from this Inner Biochemistry imbalance may feel lethargy, “brain fog”, depression, and even certain types of schizophrenia… are purely the Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance.
Because they have a problem with the burning of carbohydrates, Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalances produce very little CO2, and therefore very little energy.
…This creates an elevated serum PH (go back to the “Sugar Burner” article for this biochemistry example) in a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance, meaning an elevated blood ph or a more alkaline blood than they are supposed to have, which is the exact 7.46 PH of healthy venous blood… the brain constantly monitors the blood PH and it uses different kinds of Inner Biochemistry buffering systems to maintain homeostasis.
As carbon dioxide and water are the major end products of the oxidation of all types of food, the amount of CO2 that is produced by the tissue, as related to the amount of oxygen that is consumed, providing the principal basis for measuring the energy output of the entire organism; CO2 enters plasma as dissolved gas from tissue cells, where it is formed by the process of intermediary metabolism, in the extra cellular fluid, a small amount of which is hydrated to form carbonic acid – in this very unstable Inner Biochemistry equation: (for those of you who like to punish yourself with biochemistry, read this part – LOL )
CO2 + H2O H2CO3
…the bicarbonate ion, HCO3- is normally balanced by the sodium (Na) in NaHCO3 – so the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration by the extra cellular fluid is determined by the degree of disassociation of H2CO3, and by the amount of this available base or alkaline substance (Na/Sodium—that’s why it’s very important to have sodium in your body-which does not come from table salt), this relationship is summarized by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:
In chemisty, the Henderson-Hasselbalch (frequently misspelled Henderson-Hasselbach) equation describes the derivation of pH as a measure of acidity (using pKa, the acid dissociation constant) in biological and chemical systems. The equation is also useful for estimating the pH of a buffer solution and finding the equilibrium pH in acid-base reactions.
Two equivalent forms of the equation are
in the equations denotes the ionic form of the relevant acid. Bracketed quantities such as [base] and [acid] denote the molar concentration of the quanity enclosed.
This is the non-generalized form of the above equation: meaning actual numbers have been plugged in…
PH = 6.1 + log [HCO3-]/[H2CO3]
…According to this equation, when the bicarbonate concentration (HCO3-), is 27 mM/l (milimol per litre) and the concentration of dissolved CO2 and H2CO3 is 1.35 milimol per litre, the plasma will be exactly 7.40 PH.
When the ratio is based upon a PH of 7.40, a bicarbonate level of exactly 27 milimols per litre, and the dissolved CO2 plus H2CO3 is = 1.35 milimols per litre, it is considered to represent the theoretical “ideal”, or “normal”.
Under conditions of “normal” PH, the volume of CO2 produced divided by the volume of oxygen (O2) consumed in a given period of time, allows the calculation of the respiration quotient (RQ) which provides a clue to the type of food being oxidized.
The RQ of a single molecule of carbohydrate, is 6 over 6 which equals 1, it is oxidized according to this equation:
C6H2O6 (sugar) + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O
The average RQ for a single fat molecule is 0.71, and for protein is 0.8 RQ. If you are eating the average “mixed diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats” it is at 0.85 RQ …since the brain has a RQ of between 0.9 and 1.0, it mainly depends on carbohydrates for energy.
Approximately 90% of the brains respiration can be accounted for by glucose consumption, even though the brain possesses both anaerobic (glycolitic) and aerobic (citric acid / Krebs Cycle) metabolic pathways. The brain appears to be capable of oxidizing the same substances as other tissues…though it prefers carbohydrates due to this RQ.
The volume of CO2 expired during normal respiration is related to the partial pressure of CO2 in the alveolar air. Since blood volume of dissolved CO2 + H2CO3 is in equilibrium with partial CO2 of the alveolar air, the higher the CO2 + H2CO3, the higher the percentage of carbohydrates being oxidized.
In uncontrollable diabetes, for example, where fat and protein are oxidized instead of carbohydrates… The average RQ may be 0.7…With the proportionate decrease in dissolved CO2 levels, the same circulating blood Ketones, resulting from excessive break down of fat in this Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance or any diabetic, may actually lower cerebral respiration to point of coma. This can also explain why some diabetics have a harder time maintaining their focus and concentration. See the forthcoming article on this topic, as there are other kinds of diabetics too.
Now a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance has problems oxidizing carbohydrates, and glucogenic amino acids… resulting in a slow but preferential utilization of fats and ketogenic amino acids.
Now a Sugar Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance oxidizes these proportionately faster carbohydrates and glucogenic amino acids… Together with the slower but still more “rapid than normal” oxidation of fats and ketogenic amino acids.
General Supplementation for the Fat Burning Inner Biochemistry imbalance:
Phosphoric ester of thiamine (TPP) is a co enzyme in a major decarboxylation which leads to formation of CO2. In the process of decarboxylation of pyruvic acid to acetyl coenzyme A, which then can in turn be oxidised in the tricarboxilic acid cycle into co2 and water…thiamine (Vitamin B1), niacin (Vitamin B3), or nicotinimide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) also participate in this decarboxylation.
The absence of Thiamine (Vitamin B1) will prevent the break down of pyruvate, resulting in incomplete carbohydrate oxidation, and the accumulation of both pyruvate and lactate in the blood. Then large amounts of thiamine (Vitamin B1) and niacin (Vitamin B3) will result in increases in the rate of decarboxylation of pyruvate to coenzyme A.
In other words, the large amounts of Niacine and Thiamine help THE FAT BURNER break down carbohydrates.
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6 as pyridoxal phosphate) as well as riboflavin (Vitamin B2) as well as flavin-adinine-dinucleotide (FAD) play important roles in the catabolism of amino acids. Pyridoxine is required to help transamination as well as functioning as a coenzyme in the alternate pathways of amino acid breakdown during decarboxylation of FAD – and participates in the oxidation deamination of amino acids.
Both the transamination and deamination of amino acids result in keto acids – some of which are pyruvic oxaloacetic and alpha oxoglutaric, and are formulated from glucogenic amino acids, and are further oxidized in the same manner as are carbohydrates.
Since pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) and riboflavin (Vitamin B2) are essential to the catabolism of amino acids, some of which are ultimately oxidized in the same metabolic pathways as are carbohydrates – it appears possible that under appropriate conditions, excess amounts of either vitamin could accelerate the rate of operation of tricarboxylic acid cycle, by increasing the rate of formation of pyruvic and oxoloacetic and alphaglutharic acids.
So in simpler, plain English, a Sugar Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance will feel worse by taking Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance-specific supplements, and a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance will feel much worse by taking Sugar Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance-specific supplements.
Specific common supplementation that will work for Fat Burners:
(take only these, stop anything that has anything else)
Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, Vitamin C as ascorbic acid only, Vitamin D, potassium citrate, copper gluconate, manganese, magnesium, vanadium, potassium, chromium. Of course, see the Inner Biochemistry lab tests for the precise details for your body. I also have specific products I recommend for removing this and other imbalances in a short period of time… leading to anti-aging and my PREMIUM GOLD HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.
So a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalanced patient is also one that has developed insulin resistivity or insulin insensitivity… most of them produce tremendous amounts of insulin in a desperate attempt to push the sugar out of the blood into the tissue, but to no avail…
The chronically high levels of insulin will set the chain of reactions like high blood pressure — more than 60% of all blood pressure problems are at least partially related to high insulin and poor glycemic control — where balance is lost in many other hormone systems, and the patient begins to age prematurely. See this new, breakthrough Y-Age product which does not imbalance your biochemistry at all.
…The Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalanced patient tends to go into ketosis very easily because of the deficient carbohydrate metabolism… because of the beta oxidation pathways which produce Ketones.
They easily suffer from emotional and mental problems – anything from being easily angry, to schizophrenia, could be triggered by simple FAT BURNER INNER BIOCHEMISTRY IMBALANCES.
Now let’s be honest, we do not become Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance because of a deficiency in some miraculous supplement – but because of the grotesque amount of sugar intake that an average person has: about 100 lbs and more of sucrose (sugar) per year – and this does not include the fruit juices and natural sugars in fruits…
Read the forthcoming article on this topic
Inner Biochemistry Lab-proven Fat Burner Diet recommendations:
My recommendation for a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance is to eat frequent meals with protein (2 to 3 oz or less per meal)
The carbohydrate levels have to be “a bit higher” than in a Sugar Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance, and the fat levels must remain moderate to high. Make use of the precise Inner Biochemistry lab tests for exact quantities.
…They can’t handle high amounts of protein without entering ketosis, and they will even feel comfortable in ketosis – which prolonged could be dangerous.
If for example a body builder who is Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalanced needs to gain weight, they need to increase the fat intake using saturated and mono saturated fats only, and eat as many vegetables as they can.
Good vegetables for the Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance are:
Beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, swiss chard, corn, eggplant, garlic, jicama, lettuce, onions, parsley, pepper, radish, sprouts, squash, tomato, turnip, yam, zucchini, kale, potatoes, and cucumbers. This includes all of the nightshade family of vegetables.
Less efficient vegetables for the Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance are: (eat less of these)
Artichoke, avocado, mushrooms, lentils, spinach… more details available with my precise testing.
Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalances definitely do better on lower fat and lower protein quantities.
White meat works best for them … chicken breast, turkey breast, white fish meats.
…it should be emphasized that Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalances strive on complex carbohydrates, -not- simple carbohydrates. They do fine on -all grains- and we teach that one of the best grains is WHEAT for them. It’s uniquely Inner Biochemistry balancing for them. Since their blood is too alkaline (YES! TOO ALKALINE is ALWAYS POSSIBLE!) – wheat will acidify them – which is very balancing (unless there is a real wheat allergy, they should always incorporate wheat in their diet.
Other grains that are good for the Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance are quinoa, millet, amaranth, buck wheat, barley corn, and kamut.
Brown rice and spelt could be a big part of this diet.
This particular imbalance really needs to minimize oats in their diet.
If accelerated weight loss is desired by a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalanced patient, then they should remove the starchy vegetables, and the sweet fruits. So, things like potatoes, grapes, papaya, nectarines, and anything that’s sweet… should be eliminated from the diet during this process.
Nuts and seeds should be eaten only in moderation – with almonds being the top choice.
Olive oil, is ok for this imbalance, coconut oil can be used sparingly, eggs are a good source of protein.
Dairy products only in low fat variety, salty and fat foods should be restricted.
Red meat should be eaten only occasionally, no more than once a week.
People with this imbalance do great on vegetarian diets, because vegetarian diets are almost always low in protein and high in carbohydrates.
For breakfast, these imbalances usually are not hungry – but I still insist that they eat something like a fruit, fruit smoothy, or toast, eggs, and if you really, really like oatmeal for breakfast, have it only in combination with eggs, or in combination with some healthy fat such as extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil, or Udos oil. They should never eat meals consisting of just carbohydrates, like a bowl of oatmeal or a bowl of cereal. Remember – Oatmeal is not great for a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance, unless they combine it with eggs, for example.
Foods that should totally be avoided by Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalances:
Organ meats, shrimp, lobster, clams, peanuts, peanut butter, soy – in all forms must be avoided, fruit juices, corn syrup, mayonnaise.
Even More on Weight Loss – Specifically for the Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance:
These people have to be very careful with how much protein they put in their diet. Why? Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalances will go easily in Ketosis and be quite comfortable. Ketosis for a long periods time is dangerous because it stresses the kidneys – which are the eliminating organs and they are overworked – the skin takes over the elimination cycle. Fats as fatty acids are split into smaller compounds known as ketones in a process known as beta oxidation. These ketones then are further broken down into a substance called the acetyl coenzymes (acetyl coenzyme A) which we covered earlier above. …In which form they enter at the top of the Krebs Cycle.
Extra protein for a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance will create a cortisone overload, which causes “STRESS”, and stress causes “MORE FAT”. If someone is in a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance and tries to do a “normal body building diet” – they will feel extremely sluggish – and even depressed… not knowing what’s happening with them.
…Ironically, their only problem is the extra fat and extra protein in their diet.
…The primary substance or the raw material for the Krebs cycle on the left side is glucose and on the right side it’s fat, which gets broken down into ketones and fatty acids…assisted by amino acids.
An imbalance of raw materials fed to either side of the Krebs Cycle right or left, will result in less than optimal energy production – as the 2 sides need to balance each other out – for the Kreb cycles’ full energy potential to be realized.
To further complicate matters, each of the 2 oxidative types, the Sugar Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance and the Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance – whose energy levels are both directly tied to the function of the Krebs Cycle – requiring different fuel mixes.
Fast oxidizers tend to burn up glucose too rapidly, therefore they require more proteins and fat to be fed to the Krebs Cycle – to slow down the rate of glucose burning… and slow oxidizers/ketogenic/Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalances do not burn glucose rapidly enough… Therefore they require a higher percentage of glucose (not equivalent to simple sugar – ie. don’t eat candy because you read this!), and less protein and fats, to be fed into the Krebs cycle…
If a Inner Biochemistry balance is not achieved, then insufficient energy production (ATP – Adenosine Tri Phosphate) occurs – and all kinds of further, more dramatic Inner Biochemistry imbalances happen: because it affects the mind, the famous line I always hear with these patients is:
…The Famous – Oh, I’m healthy, I just have low energy!”
MY LAB WORK SHOWS CLEARLY what this really means:
It is these these very people who, saying this while in this mind-altering imbalance, suffer from over weight gains, allergies, undernourishment, acne, also low weight conditions, mood swings, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain, deterioration of tissues, down to serious mental problems… to name a few. These people, as anyone with a sickness, would want to use my Gold Premium tests, to find out what’s really going on inside them, in detail, and continuing until they get better and meet their health goals. Weight loss follows exactly this process as well. If you have a clear Inner Biochemistry, and have achieved a GOLD PREMIUM HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, you have no health complaints.
Approx 80 to 90% of the body’s energy is generated through the Krebs Cycle. The other 10% to 20% is produced through a less efficient process, called glycolosis. We will discuss this in a few articles…
As you can see, with both the Sugar Burner and Fat Burner are Inner Biochemistry imbalances… a healthy person would be able to switch between sugar burning and fat burning, depending on the available food supply and their activity type, at will – and effortlessly.
Before I cover the special bonus I’m including in this article…
In the next article we will be covering the common diseases that fall under these two imbalances
- hypoglycemia
- syndrome X
- diabetes
Which are growing dramatically – more than tripling in the last 10 years. It’s time for these answers.
On the other hand, I have precise Inner Biochemistry lab tests that will precisely determine if someone has just a Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance, or has a strong predisposition to a Fat Burning Inner Biochemistry imbalance. A good start is with Bronze and Bronze Plus tests which can often determine this imbalance, but only Silver tests (currently unavailable) will accurately determine this particular Inner Biochemistry imbalance (and we can make accurate supplement determinations only then) and the Gold Premium test also incorporates it, together with all 5 of the other Inner Biochemistry imbalances being fully identified.
Also ensure to read the following articles for the full coverage of all 5 imbalances.
So what is this mysterious Fat Burner Inner Biochemistry imbalance? I hope you now have a clear understanding (please print and reread this article as many times as you need…) as this has been a major stumbling block for many millions of people around the world when it comes to weight loss…
BONUS: Comparing the two Inner Biochemistry imbalances – How to Ratio Your Foods based on your “current imbalance” type:
For advanced results with weight loss, and also with various dis-ease conditions: here is a highly precise guideline…
I hope you have found this article on FAT BURNERS informative!
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